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Health and Safety

Mercia Primary Academy Trust is committed to ensuring that we provide the very best education in the safest environment possible.  With this in mind, we have a duty to comply with the legal requirements outlined in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and its associated regulations. We as education employers, have duties to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of teachers, education staff, pupils – both in school and during off-site visits – visitors, volunteers and contractors.   

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and related regulations require every employee to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of others.

Legal responsibility and accountability for Health and Safety lies with the Board of Trustees and the CEO. The day to day responsibility of this role is delegated to the Senior Leadership Team across all sites within our Trust. Head teachers hold the overall responsibility within their dedicated school, this includes day-to-day Health and Safety management and the implementation of the Health and Safety policy.  

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authorities are responsible for enforcing Health and Safety legislation. Together they ensure that Academy Trusts such as ours manage their health and safety in an effective and competent manor. We have achieved this by employing a registered safety company who specialise in education settings; Elite Safety in Education, who provide us with year round support and also ensures that we comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Elite support includes:

  • Termly Health and Safety inspections
  • Termly Health and Safety inspections of outdoor play equipment
  • Production of reports and action plans, identify strengths but also high, medium and low risks
  • Identifying training needs for staff
  • Health and Safety awareness training for new staff
  • Implementing Health and Safety policies
  • Completing risk assessments
  • Assistance in accident investigation
  • Reviewing and updating current procedures
  • Completing staff stress analysis
  • Sharing up to date guidance
  • Review of compliance
  • Offering advice and support

Under the guidance of Elite Safety in Education, we have trained our teachers to complete detailed risk assessments and also undertake daily risk assessments. All staff are fully involved in Health and Safety and understand that it is everyone’s responsibility.

Children are also learning about health and safety especially with regards to good practice and we have Health and Safety monitors throughout our KS2 classes.

Accident logs are reviewed monthly by the Senior leadership team who monitor levels and check for any trends.  Feedback from all inspections and Senior Leadership reviews are shared with staff and governors.

Staff training:

  • IOSH Managing safety in Education
  • COSHH training
  • Manual handling
  • Working at height
  • Legionella training
  • Asbestos awareness training
  • Fire marshal training
  • Fire extinguisher training
  • Writing risk assessments
  • EVC training
  • Paediatric First Aid
  • First aid at work
  • Anaphylaxis and adrenaline training
  • Asthma training
  • Managing medicines
  • Defibrillator training
  • Accident reporting / investigation
  • Health and Safety induction for new staff
  • Food hygiene training
  • Stress awareness training
  • Mental health and first aid
  • Health and Safety training for Governors


For more detailed information, please visit the links below:

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Health and Safety Executive website (HSE)

Health and Safety Responsibilities and Duties for Schools